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Setting up an Agency account on HealthSherpa allows you to compliantly link HealthSherpa accounts together in a variety of structures. Agency administrators have increased visibility into the agency downline to better assist with troubleshooting and varied control over certain agent settings. This article will cover:
Agency Hierarchy
There are two main ways you may arrange agent accounts linked to your agency. You may link agents directly to your agency as “downline agents” or you may link entire agencies to your agency as “sub-agencies” making you their “upline agency.” Here is an illustration that depicts these possible hierarchies.
In this example, Agency A’s downline consists of four direct downline agents and one sub-agency, Agency B. Agency A has visibility into all accounts pictured above, including those aligned under Agency B and C. Agency A controls many features for its direct downline agents, but will not be able to control agency features for Agency B, Agency B’s downline agents, or Agency C.
Agency tools & features
Agency administrators have access to an Agency page within their HealthSherpa for Agents account. Within the Agency page, administrators have the ability to:
Access the Agency page
Access downline agent and sub-agency accounts
View agency level insights
Export data at the agency level
Restrict export capabilities for direct downline agents
Manage NPN override functionality which allows your agents use other NPNs from your agency
Control which direct downline agents in your agency are granted access to each other's clients and leads via the shared book & full book features
Restrict certain post-enrollment email reminders for direct downline agents and clients
Additionally, the user who first creates an agency on HealthSherpa becomes the “primary administrator” (aka “primary admin”) for the agency. The primary admin is granted additional agency controls including the ability to:
Control which of your direct downline agents are granted administrator access via the multiple admin feature
Link your agency to an upline agency
Approve or deny the release of any direct downline agent or sub-agency account from your agency. Releasing an account allows the account holder to keep the associated book of business.
Approve or deny the termination of any direct downline agent account from your agency. Terminating an account provides an opportunity for the agency to keep the associated book of business.
Referral and bonus payouts for agencies
The HealthSherpa Referrals Program allows agents to enroll their clients in the right health plan to meet their needs. This is an optional program agents can opt in to within their HealthSherpa for Agents account. If an agent participates in this program, they are able to write policies for clients using HealthSherpa's NPN to earn referral bonuses.
By default, HealthSherpa pays bonus and referral dollars to the individual agents who earn them. Alternatively, you may choose to participate in our HealthSherpa Agency JMA, which pays these dollars out at the agency level instead of to the agents directly. This lets you disperse payouts according to your agent agreements. Reach out to Agent Support for more information.
There are several other bonuses available to agents within their HealthSherpa for Agents account. Learn more about those by visiting your Bonuses page today.
Creating an agency account on HealthSherpa
Any HealthSherpa for Agents account that is not already linked to an agency on HealthSherpa can be made into an Agency Account. The user who first creates an agency on HealthSherpa becomes the “primary administrator” (aka “primary admin”) for the agency.
You can create an agency during your initial HealthSherpa for Agents account creation by selecting "create an agency account" in step three. If you already have a HealthSherpa for Agents account, you can create an agency account at any time by visiting your Settings page. Enter an agency name, a phone number for your agency, and select the ‘create’ button to create your agency account on HealthSherpa.
Here's how the create an agency section looks within the Settings page:
Once you have created an agency account, you will see a “join code” populate within your Settings page. The agency join code listed is unique to your agency and should be used when inviting users to your agency. Check out our Agency Onboarding Checklist to learn more about getting your agency started on HealthSherpa.
Linking agents to your agency
Each of your licensed agents will need their own HealthSherpa for Agents account to link to your agency; under no circumstances may agents share credentials. To join your agency, an agent simply needs to add your unique agency join code to their account. Once agents add your unique join code, they'll appear as a downline agent in your Agency page.
Your agents can manually enter your agency join code during their account creation process or they may enter the code afterwards within their Settings page.
You may also invite agents to your agency by using the “Invite agents” button located within your Agency page. The “Invite agents” button allows you to email your agents an invite that includes a unique link directing them to create a new account. Once they click on the link and follow the steps, their new account will automatically be connected to your downline - no manual join code entry required. Here is the window that opens after selecting the “Invite agents” button.
Linking sub-agencies to your agency
If another agency would like to join your downline, they will become your sub-agency and you will become their upline agency. Only the primary admin of an agency can join their agency to yours as a sub-agency.
To join your agency, the primary admin of the agency should enter your unique agency join code within their Settings page.
Once the primary admin adds your unique join code, they'll appear as a sub-agency in your Agency page. Please note that certain agency settings will still be controlled on a per-agency basis.
Viewing downline accounts
When an agent or sub-agency uses your join code to link their account to your agency, they'll appear on your Agency page.
You may search your list of downline agents by keying their name or NPN into the search bar. Selecting an agent or sub-agencies name will allow you visibility into their account which can be especially helpful when assisting with client escalations.
Releasing or terminating downline accounts
To release or terminate a downline account, please reach out to Agent Support. Releasing an account allows the account holder to keep the associated book of business. Terminating an account provides an opportunity for the agency to keep the associated book of business.
Training videos
If you want to learn more about our unique Agency features, watch a recent overview of these features in English. TIP: using the 'chapters' icon within the video control panel provides viewers with the ability to navigate easily through different sections of the training.
Review our HealthSherpa Agency features in English
You may also recent recordings of Agent Training webinars in English and Spanish here.
Contact our HealthSherpa Agency Sales Team at You may also reach out to Agent Support at or (888) 684-1373.