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Multiple Admin Accounts

Use this feature to give Admin-level permissions and access to other agents in your downline.

Eva Schulteis avatar
Written by Eva Schulteis
Updated this week

Through HealthSherpa, Agency account owners (AKA Primary Admins), can now give other members of their downline the powers of their Admin account.

This feature is best for Agencies who need to give Admin-level permissions and access to other agents in their downline.

How to promote accounts to the Admin-level

From the ‘Agency’ tab, Primary Admins can now promote and demote any agent in their immediate downline by marking the checkbox under the ‘Admin’ column.

Please note that if you have sub-agencies, you can only promote the sub-agency’s Primary Admin to the Admin-level for your upstream Agency.

What can Admins do?

Once you promote a downline account to the Admin level, they will be able to

  • View the entire Agency downline

  • If NPN Overrides are set, control whether downline agents can use their own NPN

  • Set whether downline agents can export

  • Set which agents are part of the Shared Book

  • Export agency-wide clients and leads reports

  • Set appointments for other Agents

Are there restrictions on a downline Admin’s account?

Yes, there are two big actions your downline Admins will not be able to execute through their account:

  • Promote and demote other downline accounts

  • Join an upstream agency.

Only the Primary Admin account will be able to do these two things.

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