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Enrollee Assistance Program
Enrollee Assistance Program

HealthSherpa helps you give consumers the best enrollment experience possible and get compensated quickly

Written by Amber Dotson
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Program (EAP) is a program that offers agents the opportunity to work with HealthSherpa to ensure their consumers have the best enrollment experience possible.

In this article we will cover:

Reasons to participate in the EAP

Participating in the Enrollee Assistance Program allows agents to give their consumers access to the full range of health plans available in a given market. It also allows them to serve consumers who want to purchase health plans where their Line of Authority may not allow them to sell.

HealthSherpa compensates participating agents at the time of enrollment, and additional compensation may occur when consumers stay with the plan for a defined period of time (usually, 3, 6, or 9 months). This allows agents to receive compensation earlier than they would typically receive commissions from the carrier.

Choose from two Service Models

To help you enroll as many consumers as possible – and earn as much as possible – the HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Program (EAP) gives you two options to connect consumers to HealthSherpa so we can help them enroll when you aren’t able to write the policy yourself.

Agents can choose to participate in either the Full-Service Model or the Shared-Service Model to meet the needs of their consumers and their business.

  • Full-Service Model (FSM)

    In the Full-Service Model (FSM), agents transfer consumer relationships to HealthSherpa via a personal phone number or link. When the consumer calls/logs in, HealthSherpa conducts a full needs analysis, manages the enrollment and the consumer relationship.

    In this model, you can only serve consumers by way of the EAP; all applications will be processed using HealthSherpa's NPN.

    HealthSherpa will collect and document consent. While you do not need to be FFM certified to participate in the FSM, you do need to be licensed if you wish to transfer consumer relationships. Note: Agents are only required to have a resident license to transfer consumer relationships using the full service model in any state; however, agents must be licensed in the consumer's state to receive payout.

  • Shared-Service Model (SSM)

    In the Shared-Service Model (SSM), agents maintain shared responsibility for the consumer relationship, enrollment, and consent while partnering with HealthSherpa to provide ACA assistance. Remember, in some states you may need to be appointed in order to discuss plan benefits.

    In this model, you can service consumers according to the carrier settings in your HealthSherpa for Agents account. If the application is submitted using EAP, the application will be processed using HealthSherpa's NPN. If the application is not submitted using EAP, your NPN (or Override NPN) will be applied.

    If you choose the Shared-Service Model, you’re responsible for collecting and uploading consent authorizing you and HealthSherpa to provide support before you proceed. You must be FFM certified and licensed in the state where your consumer is seeking coverage to use the SSM. Note: Georgia has launched their own State-Based Exchange for plan year 2025 applications and therefore requires separate certification. Learn more here.

In either EAP model, agents can track their consumers’ progress from their account and receive compensation for each enrollment. Note: You remain responsible for complying with all applicable state insurance laws regarding licensure and appointment. The EAP may not be used to circumvent state laws that require you to be appointed with a carrier in order to discuss that carrier’s plans with a consumer.

Agents may have two accounts – a HealthSherpa for Agents account and an Enrollee Assistance Program account – so they can participate in both models. While having two accounts is allowed, each account is for use by a single agent. Users cannot be logged into both at the same time.

Full-Service Model (FSM)

The HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Full-Service Model gives you the freedom to share a personalized phone number or enrollment link with your consumers and let HealthSherpa provide full enrollment and post-enrollment support like walking your consumer through available local QHPs and selecting the best plan plan for them.

You must be licensed if you wish to transfer consumer relationships. Because you do not need to be FFM certified to participate in the Full-Service Model, you can only serve consumers by way of the EAP using this option. Note: If you are FFM certified and wish to service consumers using your own NPN (or Override NPN if applicable), consider leveraging the Shared-Service Model. Agents are only required to have a resident license to transfer consumer relationships using the full service model in any state; however, agents must be licensed in the consumer's state to receive payout.

How to participate

Follow these steps to participate in the FSM:

  1. Create your Enrollee Assistance Program Account here.

    • If you had a “Refer-Only account” under the old referrals program, you do not need to create a new Enrollee Assistance Program Account. Visit the sign in page and use the same login and password you used to access your Refer-Only account. You will be prompted to review and agree to the updated EAP terms and conditions, then your Refer-Only account will be automatically converted into an EAP account.

  2. From the dashboard of your Enrollee Assistance Program Account, navigate to the ‘Share my link’ button located in the right-hand corner of the screen:

  3. A pop-up window will appear displaying the personalized phone number and enrollment link associated with your EAP account.

    • If you had a “Refer-Only account” under the old referrals program, your personalized phone number and enrollment link will remain the same.

  4. Share your link and/or phone number with any consumers interested in ACA coverage to connect people to HealthSherpa. You may share your link and/or phone number with a consumer directly from HealthSherpa or you may copy the information to share through other channels like email, social media, printed advertisements or other desired channels.

Application experience

Share your link and/or phone number with any consumers interested in ACA coverage to connect people to HealthSherpa. When someone calls your personal number or clicks your link to complete their enrollment:

  • HealthSherpa captures and documents consent

  • HealthSherpa works with the consumer to shop, quote, and enroll in coverage

  • HealthSherpa becomes the Agent of Record and handles all post-enrollment follow ups for that consumer

  • You’ll receive compensation for each enrollment: During SEP we pay up to $50 for each enrollment, while during OEP we offer up to $150

To check on your consumers working with HealthSherpa and track your compensation, visit the ‘Enrollee Assistance Program’ tab located within the Bonuses page of your dashboard.

Shared-Service Model (SSM)

The HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Shared-Service Model allows you to maintain a strong relationship with your consumers throughout the year and partner with HealthSherpa to provide ACA application assistance, enrollment assistance, and ongoing support for your consumer’s ACA health plan.

This model is fully integrated into your HealthSherpa for Agents account, so you’re able to choose which carriers you’d like help with and track your consumers’ progress in the same place you’re already working every day. Remember, in some states you may need to be appointed in order to discuss plan benefits.

If you choose the Shared-Service Model, you’re responsible for collecting and uploading consent authorizing you and HealthSherpa to provide support before you proceed. Learn more about EAP consent guidelines here.

How to participate

Follow these steps to participate in the Shared-Service Model:

  1. Log in to your existing HealthSherpa for Agents account here.

  2. Next, navigate to the ‘Enrollee Assistance Program’ tab located within the Bonuses page of your dashboard. To enable the SSM, adjust the “Shared-Service Enrollee Assistance Settings” toggle to ‘On’, then review and agree to the EAP terms and conditions.

    • If you had referrals turned on previously, you will be prompted to review and agree to the updated EAP terms and conditions upon log in, and your account will be automatically converted into the SSM.

  3. Once you have enabled the SSM, choose ‘Select carrier to enroll’ to access your Carrier Settings page:

  4. From your Carrier Settings page, add any States you are licensed within, select which Carriers you’re appointed with, and which Carriers you'd like to enable EAP.

    • If EAP is togged to ‘Yes’ for a Carrier in a given state, then policies written for that Carrier in the specified state will be submitted using the EAP.

    • If EAP is togged to ‘No’ for a Carrier in a given state, then policies written for that Carrier in the specified state will use your NPN (or Override NPN if applicable).

    • If both the “Are you appointed” and “Enable Enrollee Assistance” boxes are toggled to ‘Yes’ for a carrier, applications for that carrier using your direct marketing link will be submitted using the SSM. If you are completing the enrollment for the consumer, you will be prompted to confirm whether you wish to proceed using the SSM or wish to adjust your Carrier settings prior to proceeding with the enrollment.

Application experience

When initiating an application for a carrier you’ve enabled the SSM, you will be prompted to confirm that you wish to proceed with the EAP enrollment.

  • Select the “Continue” button: If you would like to proceed with the SSM enrollment. Both ‘I understand’ boxes must be checked in order to move forward.

    A success message will appear at the top of the ‘Start application’ page.

  • Select ‘Create a Full-Service Enrollee Assistance Program account’: if you would like to process the application using the EAP, but prefer to have HealthSherpa provide full enrollment and post-enrollment support like walking your consumer through available local QHPs and selecting the best plan plan for them.

    A pop-up window will appear advising you of next steps and confirming you wish to proceed. You may also copy your consumer’s contact information for later if you’d like to do so.

    You will then be prompted to create or log into an existing EAP-specific Account.

  • Select ‘Change which carriers are selected in your Enrollee Assistance Program settings’: If you prefer to process the application using your NPN (or Override NPN if applicable) instead of using the SSM.

    You will be prompted to update your Carrier Settings. Select the ‘Confirm’ button once you have made the desired changes.

    A success message will appear at the top of the ‘Start application’ page.

When completing an application for a carrier you’ve enabled the EAP Shared-Service Model, you’re responsible for collecting and uploading both Consumer Consent & Eligibility Application Review. EAP consent must authorize you (the agent) and HealthSherpa to provide support to the consumer. Learn more about EAP consent guidelines here.

All SSM applications require you to upload both Consumer Consent & Eligibility Application Review prior to submission.

Should you attempt to proceed without uploading required consent documentation, you will be given the option to go back to upload the necessary documentation or Create a Full-Service Enrollee Assistance Program account (e.g. create or log into an existing EAP-specific Account).

When you enroll consumers using the EAP Shared-Service Model, HealthSherpa becomes the Agent of Record, and you’ll receive compensation: during SEP we pay up to $50 for each enrollment, while during OEP we offer up to $150.

To check on your SSM consumers and track your compensation, visit the ‘Enrollee Assistance Program’ tab located within the Bonuses page of your dashboard.

Getting paid

HealthSherpa will pay agents for each enrollment processed through the Enrollee Assistance Program. Compensation is subject to change.

For OEP 2025, compensation is as follows:

  • Enrollment compensation: Up to $100

  • Persistency compensation (consumer stays with their plan for 6 months): Up to $50

    • Note: To receive persistency compensation, the enrollment must remain active and in good standing, aligned with Healthsherpa’s book of business, and with the same carrier for the entire duration of the persistency compensation requirement.

For SEP 2025, compensation is as follows:

  • Enrollment compensation: Up to $50

After your first EAP submission is completed, you'll be prompted to submit a W-9 and set up a payment method (if you haven't submitted a W-9 already). You can choose to get paid through via direct deposit, or by check. Learn more about getting paid here.

We pay EAP compensation approximately 60 days after each milestone (e.g. enrollment & persistency). Note: There is a mandatory 45-day waiting period before HealthSherpa makes payment eligibility determinations & your payment may take more than 60 days to process.

Training videos

Participating in the Full-Service Model

In this video we'll show you how to set-up a Full-Service EAP HealthSherpa account.

Participating in the Shared-Service Model

In this video we'll show you how to enable the EAP Shared-Service Model within your HealthSherpa account, what to expect when completing EAP Shared-Service enrollments, and collecting EAP consent.

HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Program (EAP) training webinar

The HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Program is a program that offers agents the opportunity to work with HealthSherpa to ensure their clients have the best enrollment experience possible. Watch a recording of this training webinar here.

Frequently asked questions

How do I sign up for the HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Program (EAP)?

Once you have reviewed the available EAP Service Models, follow the steps outlined in this article to participate in whichever model you prefer.

Agents may also decide to create separate HealthSherpa accounts so they may participate in both models. Note: While multiple HealthSherpa accounts for a single user are allowed, there cannot be multiple people logging in to the same account, and multiple HealthSherpa accounts using the same FFM Credentials (such as the same FFM ID) cannot be logged in simultaneously.

Do I have to be licensed to participate in EAP?

Yes. You must be licensed in order to participate in either EAP option offered.

What is a resident license?

A resident license is your license in the state you file taxes as a resident. (e.g. Agent is an Ohio resident and files taxes in Ohio, Agent's resident license is Ohio)

Do I have to be FFM certified to participate in EAP?

While you do not need to be FFM certified to participate in the Full Service Model, you do need to be licensed in any states in which you wish to transfer consumer relationships. Note: Agents are only required to have a resident license to transfer consumer relationships using the full service model in any state; however, agents must be licensed in the consumer's state to receive payout.

The Shared Service Model, requires that you be FFM certified and licensed in the state where your consumer is seeking coverage. Georgia has launched their own State-based Exchange for plan year 2025 applications and therefore requires separate certification. Learn more here.

Note: You remain responsible for complying with all applicable state insurance laws regarding licensure and appointment. The EAP may not be used to circumvent state laws that require you to be appointed with a carrier in order to discuss that carrier’s plans with a consumer.

Can I use EAP for carriers with which I am not appointed?

Yes, depending on state insurance laws. You remain responsible for complying with all applicable state insurance laws regarding licensure and appointment. The EAP may not be used to circumvent state laws that require you to be appointed with a carrier in order to discuss that carrier’s plans with a consumer.

Can I enable EAP for Carriers with whom I'm appointed?

Yes, depending on state insurance laws. You can enable EAP for any Carrier you'd like; however, you remain responsible for complying with all applicable state insurance laws regarding licensure and appointment. The EAP may not be used to circumvent any laws or regulations.

Can I use EAP for some carriers but not others?

This depends on which EAP model you choose.

In the Full-Service Model (FSM), agents can only serve consumers by way of the EAP. In the Shared-Service Model (SSM), agents can service consumers according to the carrier settings in your HealthSherpa for Agents account (i.e. can be processed under the SSM, under your NPN, etc.).

What happens if I toggle both the “Enable Enrollee Assistance” and “Are you appointed” boxes to ‘Yes’ for a carrier?

If both the “Are you appointed” and “Enable Enrollee Assistance” boxes are toggled to ‘Yes’ for a carrier:

  • Applications for that carrier using your direct marketing link will be submitted using the SSM.

  • If you are completing the enrollment for the consumer, you will be prompted to confirm whether you wish to proceed using the SSM or wish to adjust your Carrier settings prior to proceeding with the enrollment.

If the “Enable Enrollee Assistance” box is not toggled to ‘Yes’ for a carrier, policies written for that carrier will use your NPN (or Override NPN if applicable).

How does EAP impact enrollments done through my marketing link?

This depends on which EAP model you choose. In the Full-Service Model (FSM), agents establish an Enrollee Assistance Program Account and can only serve consumers by way of the Full-Service Model. When clients enroll through the marketing link associated with your Enrollee Assistance Program Account, HealthSherpa will become the Agent of Record, and you will be eligible for EAP compensation. Note: Enrollments done using a Full-Service EAP agent's marketing link will be blocked if the agent is not licensed in the consumer's state.

In the Shared-Service Model (SSM), agents can service consumers according to the carrier settings within their HealthSherpa for Agents account (i.e. can be processed under the SSM, under your NPN, etc.). When clients enroll through the marketing link associated with your HealthSherpa for Agents account, the NPN applied will depend on the Carrier Settings you have in place for respective carriers.

Every Enrollee Assistance Program Account & HealthSherpa for Agent account comes with a free, customizable direct marketing link. When selected, your unique marketing link leads consumers to an enrollment website where consumers may quote to see available plans and even enroll. Learn more here.

How does EAP work if my agency uses NPN override?

Agents are able to enable EAP for carriers as they normally would, and will simply have the added option to select from an agency override NPN rather than processing the application as an EAP enrollment. Learn more about NPN override here.

Do all carriers participate in the EAP?

No. You’ll notice the “Enable Enrollee Assistance” toggle within your carrier settings is disabled for carriers who do not participate in EAP.

How does consent work?

If you choose the Full-Service Model, we’ll collect and document consent for you.

If you choose the Shared-Service Model, you’re responsible for collecting and uploading consent authorizing you and HealthSherpa to provide support before you proceed. Learn more about EAP consent guidelines here.

Agents are responsible for complying with all applicable state insurance laws regarding licensure and appointment and must attest that they are adhering to compliance requirements before proceeding. The Enrollee Assistance Program may not be used to circumvent state laws that require you to be appointed with a carrier in order to discuss that carrier’s plans with a consumer.

Can I join the EAP if health insurance is not my primary business?

Yes. The Full-Service Model is ideal for licensed agents who want to provide a personalized phone number or enrollment link with their consumers and let HealthSherpa provide full enrollment and post-enrollment support.

Can I use EAP for Off-Exchange enrollments?

No. The EAP is only available for On-Exchange QHP enrollments.

What if my consumer contacts me for assistance after I enroll them?

If you ever need to support consumers enrolled by way of the EAP (e.g. assistance contacting the carrier on behalf of the customer), please reach out to the HealthSherpa Agent Support team for assistance.

Why do I have a payment status listed as “awaiting consent”?

All EAP submissions require that documented consent be on file. If you see a payment status listed as “awaiting consent upload” your payment has been delayed due to lack of consent uploaded on a resubmission (this will likely be limited to submissions made under the old referrals program). HealthSherpa requires additional consent from the consumer to ensure they understand and are aware of application changes.

Can I use the SSM for an enrollment then change my mind later?

You manage your carrier settings and can opt in or out of using the SSM for any carrier at any time. Make sure to update your carrier settings throughout the year or each time you get a new appointment, get licensed in a new state, or a new carrier enters the market.

With consumer consent, you may assist consumers with updating their application at any point during the year. When reporting updates, if the consumer qualifies for a special enrollment period (SEP), they will have the option to update their plan selection. At this point, the NPN associated with their application would be updated according to your carrier settings.

How do renewals work with the EAP?

When you initially enroll consumers using the EAP, HealthSherpa becomes the Agent of Record. When it comes time to renew, you have the option to actively renew consumers using your NPN or choose to process the active renewal using the EAP. Active renewals are eligible for EAP compensation, whereas passive renewals are not.

Does persistency include renewal periods?

No, persistency compensation is based on a single policy year.

If I experience CMS' Invalid Action error message when completing an EAP enrollment, what happens if I conduct a 3-way call with the Marketplace?

It is not possible to process an EAP enrollment using a 3-way calls with the Marketplace Call Center. EAP enrollments may only be processed using the HealthSherpa platform. If you experience CMS' Invalid Action error message, the enrollment must be submitted by the consumer using the Invalid Action resume link pathway in order for the enrollment to be eligible for EAP compensation.

Additional Resources

If you are having any technical issues using HealthSherpa, please contact our Agent Support team at (888) 684-1373, at, or via chat from within your account.

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