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CMS requires HealthSherpa (and all EDE partners) to require agents and brokers integrate their FFM accounts. Agents who fail to do so will not be able to search the Marketplace, submit applications, or view clients.
This article will cover:
🚨 Important! As of 7/12/2024, CMS requires you to reintegrate your accounts every 12 hours. 🚨
What to know before you integrate your FFM account
You are the only one permitted to log in to your HealthSherpa for Agents account, only you may use your CMS portal credentials, and only you may actually complete or renew your FFM account integration.
When integrating your FFM account, be sure to follow these guidelines:
Do not use shared credentials. Neither CMS nor HealthSherpa allow the sharing of credentials for any account. This includes internal teams, assistants, and IT groups.
Do not share your credentials with anyone else and do not allow others to integrate or renew your integration on your behalf. Only the account holder should have and use these credentials. If another group or person has access to your credentials, they may unknowingly cause CMS to create additional account linkages you did not authorize.
Multiple accounts are still allowed. Multiple HealthSherpa accounts for a single user are allowed. There cannot be multiple people logging in to the same account, and multiple HealthSherpa accounts using the same FFM Credentials (such as the same FFM ID) cannot be logged in simultaneously.
You should be the sole user of any account that is yours. Shared accounts are not allowed and all accounts are blocked from being accessed by more than one user at a time. This is true for both CMS and HealthSherpa.
If your HealthSherpa and CMS accounts are not linked, you will see several alerts designed to help you avoid interruptions while using HealthSherpa for Agents. Alerts include:
Sign in reminder: You will be prompted to integrate your FFM account as soon as you sign in to HealthSherpa to allow for a full 12 hours free from additional integrations.
Popup window while viewing your dashboard
Countdown banner at the top of your dashboard pages when integration expiration is less than two hours away.
Persistent home page counter, displaying time left until integration expiration.
Mid-application alert: If you are in the middle of an application and reach the 15-minute mark before your integration window expires, you will receive a prompt to reintegrate, preventing any potential loss of work.
How to integrate your FFM account
You can integrate your HealthSherpa and FFM accounts initially during account creation or you can integrate after logging in to your HealthSherpa account for the first time.
To integrate your FFM account during log in, select the “Integrate account” button during the sign up flow:
To integrate your FFM account after logging in to HealthSherpa, go to your Settings page.
Click the “Integrate My FFM Account” button.
This will launch the CMS Okta Identity Management portal in a new window. Log in using the same FFM username and password you use to log in to your CMS account.
Once your account is integrated, you will see a success notice open in a new tab. You may close this tab and return to your dashboard or allow the tab to close automatically.
Once the account is integrated, you will see a success banner at the top of the screen as well as a green check mark noting you were successful.
How to renew your FFM account integration
You will need to renew your FFM integration every 12 hours to remain in compliance with CMS requirements and to continue using EDE functionality.You can reintegrate your HealthSherpa and FFM accounts before or after signing in to your HealthSherpa account.
To reintegrate your FFM account during sign in, select the ‘Reintegrate account’ option during the sign in flow. You will also notice a countdown on this page that shows the remaining time your account will stay integrated.
To reintegrate your FFM account after logging in to HealthSherpa, you may follow any of the below steps. Any of these paths will launch the CMS Identity Management portal in a new window. Log in using the same FFM username and password you use to log in to your CMS account. Optional pathways to reintegrate after signing in to HealthSherpa include:
Select the ‘Reintegrate account’ option from the dashboard. This banner will only show if you have less than two hours until expiration.
Select the ‘Reintegrate’ button from the Home page
Click into the Settings page, and click the “Integrate My FFM Account” button. This button may also read “Extend my integration now.”
Once your account is reintegrated, you will see a success notice open in a new tab. You may close this tab and return to your dashboard or allow the tab to close automatically.
How to remove an incorrect FFM account integration
Agents who have improperly shared credentials in the past or had others integrate their accounts on their behalf previously will need to reintegrate their FFM account with HealthSherpa.
To remove a prior FFM account integration and properly reintegrate your account:
Ensure you are logged out of the CMS Enterprise portal
Log in to your HealthSherpa for Agents account
Navigate to your Settings page and select ‘Remove My FFM Account’
Follow the steps outlined in this help article to reintegrate your FFM account.
Only the FFM account holder may ever have or use their CMS credentials. Be sure to communicate this messaging back to the individual who previously integrated your account so they are aware they must cease this behavior. You may also wish to reset your HealthSherpa & CMS Enterprise Portal passwords for increased security.
FFM integration impacts within your HealthSherpa account
This requirement means if you do not complete this authentication you will not be able to use Enhanced Direct Enrollment (EDE) through your HealthSherpa account. This will impact on-exchange enrollments, DMI resolution, and several other features that help you manage your book of business throughout the year. If you do not authenticate your account, CMS will not allow you to:
View clients within your EDE dashboard
Search or claim a Marketplace application
Submit, enroll, or finalize an EDE application
Update personal information for an existing EDE application
Cancel an effectuated policy for an existing EDE application
Review and download a notice on an existing EDE application
Submit a document for a followup on an existing EDE application
The following situations and features will not be impacted by this change:
Multiple accounts: Agents can still have multiple accounts with the same FFM information, but each account will need to be authenticated. Reminder: Multiple HealthSherpa accounts for a single user are allowed. There cannot be multiple people logging into the same account, and multiple HealthSherpa accounts using the same FFM Credentials (such as the same FFM ID) cannot be logged in simultaneously. See more details here.
NPN overrides: This will not affect the NPN override feature some Agencies utilize within their HealthSherpa account.
Shared/Full book: No impact
Agency Exports: Client and Lead data associated with agent accounts that are not actively integrated will not be impacted when exporting data, as long as the account requesting the export is currently FFM Integrated.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an FFM account?
An agent's “FFM account” refers to the account an agent logs in to when they visit the CMS Enterprise Portal at
Why do I need to integrate my FFM account?
CMS requires EDE partners like HealthSherpa to use additional FFM account authentication for all agents and brokers; it’s really just a security feature.
What do I do if I am not FFM certified, but sell in one of the HealthSherpa supported ACA state-based marketplaces?
During account creation, you should leave the FFM username field empty. If you are not FFM certified, but are certified to sell within one of the supported ACA state-based marketplace (e.g. Georgia), you will need to reach out to Agent Support after you have created your account. Agent Support will be able to manually complete identity verification so that you may proceed.
Are FFM usernames and passwords case sensitive?
FFM usernames and passwords are not case sensitive.
What if I don’t know my username for the CMS Enterprise Portal?
Follow the steps CMS has outlined to recover your username here.
What if I don’t know my password for the CMS Enterprise Portal?
Follow the steps CMS has outlined to reset your password here.
I’m having issues with my CMS Enterprise Portal account. What do I do?
Visit the CMS Enterprise Portal FAQ page, the CMS Enterprise Portal User Guide, or reach out to the CMS Agent Broker Help Desk by calling 1 (855) 267-1515 or email
Can someone else complete or renew my FFM account integration for me?
No. Only you are permitted to complete or renew your FFM account integration. If another group or person has access to your credentials (i.e. internal teams, assistants, IT groups) they may unknowingly cause CMS to create additional account linkages you did not authorize which will disrupt your FFM account integration. CMS and HealthSherpa both prohibit the sharing of credentials for any account.
Can I use someone else’s FFM account credentials to integrate my HealthSherpa account?
No. Only the FFM account holder may ever have or use their CMS credentials. Shared accounts are not allowed, and all accounts are blocked from being accessed by more than one user at a time. This is true of CMS and HealthSherpa.
I am not licensed. How do I view consumer information on HealthSherpa?
You must be a licensed agent to create a HealthSherpa for Agents account or access consumer information on the federal marketplace. If you’d like to learn more about getting started in the ACA space, learn more here.
I do not have an FFM account. How do I create one?
Follow this step by step guide to create a CMS Enterprise Portal account & learn more about FFM certification here.
I have more than one HealthSherpa account. Is that still allowed?
Yes. Multiple HealthSherpa accounts for a single user are allowed, but there cannot be multiple people logging in to the same account. Folks also cannot be logged in to multiple accounts associated with the same FFM credentials simultaneously.
I am an agency administrator and have folks in my office that help me with the day to day operations. How do I get those individuals access to my HealthSherpa clients?
If the individuals are licensed agents, they may create a HealthSherpa for Agents account and link their account to your agency. Once the agents are linked to your downline, you may leverage agency features such as shared book and full book to make it easy for agents in your agency to compliantly access each other's clients and leads.
If the individuals are non-licensed, they can learn more about getting started in the ACA space here. You must be a licensed agent to create a HealthSherpa for Agents account or access consumer information.
I am an agency administrator and want to have someone in my office complete or renew the FFM account integrations for myself or my agents. How do I do this?
This is not permitted. Only the licensed agent is permitted to complete or renew their FFM account integration. If another group or person has access to any agent's credentials (i.e. internal teams, assistants, IT groups) and uses those to integrate an account, they may unknowingly cause CMS to create additional account linkages that were not authorized which will disrupt all associated FFM account integrations. CMS and HealthSherpa both prohibit the sharing of credentials for any account.
What happens if my FFM account credentials were shared?
You will need to reintegrate your FFM account with HealthSherpa to ensure your account doesn’t experience slow submissions or rate limits. Follow the steps outlined in this help article to reintegrate your account.
Only the FFM account holder may ever have or use their CMS credentials. Be sure to communicate this messaging back to the individual who previously used your credentials so they are aware they must cease this behavior. You may also wish to reset your HealthSherpa & CMS Enterprise Portal passwords for increased security. If you share computers with others in your office, do not select the ‘Keep me logged in’ option and be sure to log out of CMS Enterprise Portal prior to passing the computer along to another user.
If you suspect fraud, reach out to the CMS Agent Broker Help Desk by calling 1 (855) 267-1515 or email
What happens if someone else integrated my FFM account on my behalf in the past?
You will need to reintegrate your FFM account with HealthSherpa to ensure your account doesn’t experience slow submissions or rate limits. Follow the steps outlined in this help article to reintegrate your account.
Only the FFM account holder may ever have or use their CMS credentials. Be sure to communicate this messaging back to the individual who previously integrated your account so they are aware they must cease this behavior. You may also wish to reset your HealthSherpa & CMS Enterprise Portal passwords for increased security.
How does FFM integration impact agency functionality?
FFM integration is required for each HealthSherpa for Agents account, including Agency Administrator accounts. Users without an active FFM integration will not be able to search the Marketplace, submit applications, or view clients.
If an agency administrator does not have an active FFM integration, agents in their downline who do have an active integration will not be impacted. Any Agency settings in place (e.g. NPN Override, Shared Book, Full Book, Multi-Admin) will remain functional in this instance.
What happens if I don’t reintegrate every 12 hours?
If your FFM integration is expired or you are not integrated, you will not see your on-exchange book of business within HealthSherpa. All of your on-exchange client and lead data is still associated with your account, it is simply hidden as a security measure required by CMS. This is because CMS owns the federal exchange data. Once you reintegrate, you will see and be able to manage your entire on-exchange book of business again.
Why am I getting an “FFM username mismatch” message?
If the FFM username you placed into your HealthSherpa settings page doesn’t match the FFM username you’re trying to integrate with, you will receive a customized version of the below FFM username mismatch message. To resolve this issue, select one of the radio options and continue.
Make sure you’re typing everything correctly: Entering incorrect or mistyped CMS account username or password (e.g. forgetting to include dots (.) or characters) will cause your account authentication to fail.
Ensure you have completed FFM Plan Year training: if you haven’t completed this CMS required training, your account authentication will fail. You can check your status on the AB Registration Completion List
Ensure your NPN is not banned: You can check your status on the AB Suspension and Termination List
Check your status on the CMS portal: If you have one or more invalid statuses visible on your CMS portal, your account authentication will fail. You can check your status at Agent and Broker Marketplace Registration Status.
Still having issues?
Contact HealthSherpa Agent Support at 888.684.1373
Or call CMS' Marketplace Service Desk (MSD) via phone at 1-855-CMS-1515