Your HealthSherpa for Agents account allows you to manage your licensed states, add your appointed carriers, and (if you have the HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Shared-Service Model enabled) set your Enrollee Assistance Program (EAP) Carriers. To do this, go to the Carrier Settings page within your HealthSherpa for Agents account.
To access your Carrier Settings, click the gear icon in the top-right of your dashboard and select 'Carriers' from the menu:
The Carrier Settings landing page will display any states you have already indicated you are licensed within, provide you with a summary of current carriers you've said you hold appointments, and display carriers with whom you've enabled EAP.
The Carrier Settings page is only accessible from a HealthSherpa for Agents account. If you do not see a Carrier Settings page within your account, you may have a different HealthSherpa account type. Learn more about account types here.
HealthSherpa will not allow you to complete applications in states that you have not added to your Carriers Settings page. Tell us you are licensed in specific states by adding the state to your Carrier Settings page.
You can add states you're licensed in by selecting them in the 'Add States' menu. To remove states, expand the 'Edit' menu within the desired state and select 'Delete'.
HealthSherpa verifies your licensure status in a given state using NIPR - a national database that stores information on every licensed agent - at the time of each application.
Carrier designations
Your NPN (or Override NPN) will be automatically applied to any application submitted for a carrier that does not have Enrollee Assistance enabled.
To update appointment and EAP carrier designations, expand the 'Edit' menu within the desired state.
Notate which Carriers you're appointed with by adjusting the 'Are you appointed' toggle to 'Yes'.
If you've enabled the HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Shared-Service Model, you'll also be able to select which Carriers you want to Enable Enrollee Assistance. Notate which Carriers you want to utilize the EAP by adjusting the 'Enable Enrollee Assistance' toggle to 'Yes'. Note: Not all carriers participate in the EAP. You’ll notice the 'Enable Enrollee Assistance' toggle within your Carrier Settings is disabled for carriers who do not participate in EAP.
If both the 'Are you appointed' and 'Enable Enrollee Assistance' boxes are toggled to ‘Yes’ for a carrier, applications for that carrier using your direct marketing link will be submitted using the EAP. If you are completing the enrollment for the consumer, you will be prompted to confirm whether you wish to proceed using the EAP or wish to adjust your Carrier Settings prior to proceeding with the enrollment.
Due to CMS guidance surrounding plan display, appointment and EAP carrier designations do not have an effect on plans that are visible in your shopping experience.
Note: You remain responsible for complying with all applicable state insurance laws regarding licensure and appointment. The EAP may not be used to circumvent state laws that require you to be appointed with a carrier in order to discuss that carrier’s plans with a consumer.
Frequently asked questions
Why don't I see 'Carriers' listed when I select the gear icon?
The Carrier Settings page is only accessible from a HealthSherpa for Agents account. If you do not see a Carrier Settings page within your account, you may have a different HealthSherpa account type. Learn more about account types here.
Why can't I add states that use a State-based Exchange (SBE/SBM)?
HealthSherpa is focused on states that utilize the Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM). You do have the ability to run quotes in SBM states on our system, but when you try to enroll, we'll link you off to the state SBM directly.
Georgia is an exception to this rule. HealthSherpa is excited to partner with Georgia Access and support the State of Georgia in their transition to a State-based Exchange (SBE) for ACA enrollments for plan year 2025! Georgia Access is the first SBE to bring the benefits of the EDE experience to consumers and agents, partnering with EDE entities like HealthSherpa.
Agents can add Georgia to their Carrier Settings and will be able to help Georgians shop for, compare, and enroll in quality, affordable healthcare coverage using HealthSherpa, just as they have in previous years. Learn more here.
Why don't I see a Carrier I'm appointed with?
We list every Carrier that participates in ACA. If you're not seeing a Carrier, double check that the name is right – some Carriers use different names in different states.
Can I use EAP for carriers with which I am not appointed?
Yes, depending on state insurance laws. You remain responsible for complying with all applicable state insurance laws regarding licensure and appointment. The EAP may not be used to circumvent state laws that require you to be appointed with a carrier in order to discuss that carrier’s plans with a consumer.
Can I enable EAP for Carriers with whom I'm appointed?
Yes, depending on state insurance laws. You can enable EAP for any Carrier you'd like; however, you remain responsible for complying with all applicable state insurance laws regarding licensure and appointment. The EAP may not be used to circumvent any laws or regulations.
Do all carriers participate in the EAP?
No. You’ll notice the 'Enable Enrollee Assistance' toggle within your Carrier Settings is disabled for carriers who do not participate in EAP. Your NPN (or Override NPN) will be automatically applied to any application submitted for a carrier that does not have Enrollee Assistance enabled within your Carrier Settings.
How do Carrier Settings impact enrollments done through my Marketing link?
Enrollments will be blocked if you are not licensed in the consumer's state.
Be sure to update your Carrier Settings prior to leveraging your marketing link. When clients enroll through your unique direct marketing link, your NPN will be automatically applied to any application submitted unless you have alternative EAP Carrier Settings in place.
The 'Enable Enrollee Assistance' toggle within your Carrier Settings is disabled for carriers who do not participate in EAP. Your NPN will be automatically applied to any application submitted through your marketing link for a carrier that does not have Enrollee Assistance enabled within your Carrier Settings.
Do you verify my licenses and appointments?
HealthSherpa verifies your licensure status in a given state using NIPR - a national database that stores information on every licensed agent - at the time of each application. Enrollments will be blocked if you are not licensed in the consumer's state.
We do not verify your appointment settings.