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Enrollee Assistance Program: consent guide
Enrollee Assistance Program: consent guide

Learn about consent requirements when using the HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Program

Written by Amber Dotson
Updated over 2 months ago

If you’re an agent participating in the HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Program (EAP), you’re required to collect and provide consent prior to submitting the consumer’s policy to HealthSherpa. This guide will help you ensure you meet all necessary requirements for consent documentation and retention as you assist consumers with enrollment, in accordance with (45 CFR § 155.227). All consent documentation records must be retained for a minimum of ten (10) years.

In this article, we’ll cover:

Consent overview

According to CMS, "consent" includes two parts:

  • Consumer Consent indicating a consumer has granted permission for an agent to provide assistance with their Marketplace enrollment, and

  • Eligibility Application Review detailing application data and plan selection have been reviewed and approved by the consumer, and attestations have been shared.

Consumer Consent indicates a consumer has granted permission for an agent to provide assistance with their Marketplace enrollment. Consumer Consent is required before collecting a consumer’s PII in order to provide a quote, search the Marketplace on behalf of a consumer, check the status of a consumer's coverage, help a consumer apply or enroll, or make any updates to a consumer’s application.

Eligibility Application Review is the piece of consent that details application data and plan selection have been reviewed and approved by the consumer, and attestations have been shared. An eligibility application review is required for new applications when making new plan selections or updating existing applications.

Key components of consent documentation

In the HealthSherpa EAP Shared-Service Model, agents are responsible for collecting and uploading consent authorizing them (the agent) and HealthSherpa to provide support before they proceed. EAP consent documentation checklist.

Consumer Consent

Consumer Consent documentation must include:

  • Date consent is given by the consumer

  • Name of the consumer

    • If consent is granted by an authorized representative, include documentation of said authorization and the authorized representative’s relationship to the consumer

    • If consent is granted on behalf of minors or other adult dependents, additional documentation is not required

  • Name of agent or agency being granted consent

    • If consent is granted to multiple individuals within an agency, without naming the agency, all individuals must be listed

  • Consent to search for existing Marketplace application

  • Consent to complete/update application on behalf of consumer

  • Consent to submit application on behalf of consumer

  • Description of scope, purpose, and duration of consent provided by the consumer

  • The process through which the consumer may rescind such consent, which includes mention that it can be done at any time

  • Consent to provide ongoing maintenance (i.e. updates to application or plan selections)

    • In the event there are any application changes, agents must collect new Consumer Consent & Eligibility Application Review documentation from the member for each additional change

  • Written signature, e-signature, or verbal consent of consumer

  • Consumer Consent documentation for enrollments submitted using HealthSherpa’s Enrollee Assistance Program must also include:

    • Consumer acknowledgement that the enrollment will be submitted with a HealthSherpa National Producer Number

    • A list of the potential HealthSherpa National Producer Numbers which may be appended to the enrollment

    • Consumer acknowledgement that the enrollment is still accessible and serviceable by the agent

Eligibility Application Review

Eligibility Application Review documentation must include:

  • Date information was reviewed by the consumer

  • Name of the consumer

    • If consent is granted by an authorized representative, include documentation of said authorization and the authorized representative’s relationship to the consumer

    • If consent is granted on behalf of minors or other adult dependents, additional documentation is not required

  • Attestation that the consumer has reviewed the application and has confirmed its details (e.g. household members, income reported, coverage status) to be accurate

  • Attestation that the consumer acknowledges all attestations at the end of the Eligibility Application (e.g.non-Medicaid coverage, automatic termination of Marketplace coverage if duplicate coverage is detected, accuracy of application, consumer’s responsibility to update the application,’s non-discrimination policy)

  • Attestation that the consumer has reviewed the plan information and confirmed accuracy (e.g. issuer, plan name, start date, members enrolled, premiums)

  • Written signature, e-signature, or verbal consent of consumer

Additional recommendations

While not required, additional recommendations for maintaining comprehensive consent documentation include:

  • Agent or agency contact information

  • Consumer contact information

  • Data Matching Issues (“DMIs”) presented in eligibility letter, and any steps taken to resolve said DMIs

  • Communication records

    • Document how the agent obtained consumer information, engaged in outreach, and any communication receipts between the agent and the consumer.

Methods of consent documentation

There are no explicit requirements for how you document consent; however, it’s a best practice to maintain comprehensive, consumer-driven records. It’s important to note that one document can be used to satisfy both the Consent Review and Application Review portions of this requirement, but it must contain all components listed above and has two sections that distinguish between Consent Review and Eligibility Application Review.

To ensure complete and compliant records, documentation should include both agent engagement and a clear, explicit confirmation indicating approval from the consumer. Documentation without the consumer’s approval or response will not meet EAP consent requirements. Note: Documentation which only requires the consumer to check a box or fill out a form without agent engagement to confirm that they provided consent is unlikely to meet the requirements. Learn more about acceptable forms of consent here.

Methods of obtaining consent documentation include verbal (i.e. recorded phone call) and written.

Verbal documentation

  • Record the entire call, including the complete sales process.

    • If the entire call cannot be recorded, verbal records meeting all consent documentation requirements should be recorded at a minimum.

    • Written transcriptions do not meet verbal consent requirements.

Written documentation

  • Written documentation must meet all consent documentation requirements

  • If electronic signatures are collected, supporting documentation which shows that the consumer took action to sign must be provided (e.g. date, time, IP address, device used by the consumer to sign).

  • Emails or text messages used as written documentation must show communications from the consumer responding to a communication from the agent, and must meeting all consent documentation requirements

Collecting consent within the enrollment flow

Agents are required to submit Consumer Consent & Eligibility Application Review during the EAP enrollment process.

You will have the option to email or text digital consent to your client, or upload proof of consent that you have already captured.

Note: There are instances when agents may also see 'I already have proof of consent in my own records' displayed as a consent option. If this option is selected, the EAP enrollment will not be processed or be eligible for EAP compensation until proof of consent has been uploaded. Learn more about uploading consent from the dashboard.

  • Selecting "Email digital [consent/review] form to my client"

    Selecting this option allows you to send an email to your client with a link to a digital consent/review form. Once your client signs and submits the form, a PDF version of it will be saved to your Consent Record table. If your client does not have an email associated with their application, you will have the opportunity to input an email that will be used only for consent collection; it will not be associated with their application or be used for other correspondence.

    You will need to wait until your client submits their digital form in order to proceed. Once your client has submitted their digital form, you will see a green success banner like this one and you will be able to proceed in the enrollment flow:

    Note: the digital consent email will time out after 15 minutes if not submitted by the consumer. Refresh the page and resend the email when the consumer is ready to proceed.

    Learn more about our email consent flow, including what the consumer sees by watching this short overview.

  • Selecting "Text digital [consent/review] form to my client"

    Selecting this option allows you to send a text to your client with a link to a digital consent/review form. Once your client signs and submits the form, a PDF version of it will be saved to your Consent Record table. Customers will need to opt in to receive text messages from HealthSherpa in order to proceed with text consent.

    Note: the digital consent text will time out after 15 minutes if not submitted by the consumer. Refresh the page and resend the text when the consumer is ready to proceed.

    Learn more about our text consent flow, including what the consumer sees by watching this short overview.

  • Selecting "Upload proof of [consent/application review] to HealthSherpa"

    File constraints

    • You are able to upload (1) file as proof consent

    • Less than 20MB.png, .jpg, .pdf, .mp3

    If you choose this option, the consent file will be connected to you and your client and will be visible in the dashboard. For agents who do not have a viable method for collecting consent, we will also provide a Enrollee Assistance Program Consent Form for you to download. You will need to upload proof of consent/application review in order to proceed.

If you would like to change the method in which you'd like to store consent, you may do so at any time by selecting a different consent capture method.

Training videos

In this video we'll cover how to enable the EAP Shared-Service Model within your HealthSherpa account, what to expect when completing EAP Shared-Service enrollments, and collecting EAP consent.

Frequently asked questions

If I email consent documentation to a consumer from HealthSherpa, can I continue with the EAP enrollment before the consumer has completed the consent?

No. If email consent is desired, the consumer will need to send the documented consent back before you will be able to continue.

What if I send digital consent to a consumer, but they are unable to complete the consent or I change my mind about how I'd like to collect consent?

If you would like to change the method in which you'd like to store consent, you may do so at any time by selecting a different consent capture method.

If I am able to select 'I already have proof of consent in my own records' when doing an EAP application, does that mean I don't have to submit consent?

No. Agents are required to submit Consumer Consent & Eligibility Application Review during the EAP enrollment process.

While there are instances when agents may see 'I already have proof of consent in my own records' displayed as a consent option; if this option is selected, the EAP enrollment will not be processed or be eligible for EAP compensation until proof of consent has been uploaded. Agents who have selected this option will need to upload consent from the Client's Details page in order for the EAP enrollment to proceed. Learn more about uploading consent from the dashboard.

Additional Resources

If you are having any technical issues using HealthSherpa, please contact our Agent Support team at (888) 684-1373, at, or via chat from within your account.

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