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HealthSherpa auto-emails

An explanation and log of all the automatic emails sent to clients during the HealthSherpa application process.

Eva Schulteis avatar
Written by Eva Schulteis
Updated over a week ago

Similar to enrolling via, HealthSherpa sends automatic emails at certain points of the application process to clients.

In this article, we’ll explain what these auto-emails are (and are not), and include examples of what they look like.

What HealthSherpa auto-emails are

These emails are automatically triggered at certain points in the application process, and are meant to give clients the ability to resume their application or get in touch with the writing agent.

They come from, and all auto-emails include the Agent’s name, email address, and phone number in the body of the email.

Any links to resume the process are associated with the writing agent. So, if you had a client who:

  • returned to their application via a link in an auto-email that had your information on it, and

  • Finished their enrollment on their own

You would be the AOR on the policy, and this client would show up in your Clients table in your HealthSherpa agent account.

What HealthSherpa auto-emails are not

Beyond these automatically triggered emails, HealthSherpa will not contact your clients.

As mentioned in the previous section, all links in auto-emails will be associated with your HealthSherpa account through an extra bit of text in the URL after the '?'.

Your information in the URL is very persistent, and it keeps our system from sending additional reminders — beyond the ones listed below — to your client reminding them to complete their application.

All of the HealthSherpa auto-emails

In this section, you’ll find all of the auto-emails that could get sent to your client along with their respective triggers. Please note that this is an exhaustive list, meaning that your client will only receive a subset of these emails.

Shopping or Applying

Share plan details

Trigger: Agent uses the share button in the shopping experience to send a link to the plan details, plan comparison, or plan list pages.

Continue shopping or applying

Trigger: Client is shopping and clicks the ‘Save and Exit’ button before leaving the website.

After application submission

Claim application

Trigger: After the application is submitted, this email is sent to verify the user has access to their listed email address.

Access application

Trigger: 1-hour after application is submitted

After enrollment in a plan

Next steps (standard)

Trigger: Confirm and finalize the enrollment in a plan.

Next steps (SEP verification)

Trigger: Confirm and finalize the enrollment in a plan during SEP.

Next steps (premium payment)

Trigger: Confirm and finalize the enrollment in a plan and there are no SEP Verification Issues (SVIs) or Data Matching Issues (DMIs).

Access your HealthSherpa account

Trigger: Confirm and finalize the enrollment in a plan.

HealthSherpa’s system creates a client account for every primary applicant when you include their email address. This account is tied to your agent account, so if your client logs in on their own during the year to update their income or upload documents, you will remain the Agent of Record for their policy.

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