Here's a running list of improvements and updates to the HealthSherpa Agent product. If you ever want to get back here, just click the little question mark icon in the top header of your Agent Dashboard.
Mar 21, 2025
CR86 - New Medicare starting soon question
After adding all members to the application, a new question will appear asking if any of these members have Medicare starting soon. The FFM has required this be asked of all persons applying for coverage across all EDE platforms. Upon answering, this member will be setup for a future Marketplace coverage termination, as they are transitioning to Medicare (Part A or C) and no longer eligible for a subsidy on Marketplace coverage. This can be done up to three months in advance of Medicare coverage starting, and replaces the need to contact the Marketplace to terminate coverage.
This question should be skipped by anyone without Medicare coverage starting soon.
Mar 20, 2025
Copy to clipboard at sign & submit
You can now select an icon for "copy to clipboard" of your client's name at sign & submit to prevent any errors in typing.
March 20, 2025
Invalid Action error tracker tab on the Clients page
Now, agents can use the Invalid Action error tracker tab on the Clients page to track where each consumer is in the Invalid Action process. At-a-glance, know if consumers have clicked the resume link, verified their identity, created an account, or completed their enrollment. There is also 3-way call status information.
March 6, 2025
Search by Name - Enrollee Assistance Program
Search by client name is now available on the Enrollee Assistance Program (EAP) page within Bonus tab.
February 25, 2025
Agent Consent Notifications
Agents will now be notified via email after a consumer has submitted consent via HealthSherpa's digital consent tools (both email and SMS).
If an agent wishes to turn off consent email updates, they can do so in settings, under Consent update emails section.
February 21, 2025
New Consent Library
The new consent library allows you to manage it all in one central location!
You can view and download when necessary. HealthSherpa will securely store it compliantly. You can easily find what you need by searching by plan year, status, name & email.
Additionally, you will be able to collect consent even before the application process. This allows you to keep track of your documents for leads or get organized before you the application.
Read more about our entire consent management features here
January 29, 2025
Share this quick video on how to complete an Invalid Action enrollment with your consumers
Watch this 90-second clip and share it with your consumers and members of your team.
This video is also available on our agent-facing resume link FAQ and the consumer-facing FAQ.
January 29, 2025
Enroll consumers more smoothly via the updated invalid action error resume link
We’ve made visual improvements to the resume link process consumers use to complete enrollments after CMS triggers an invalid action error. Now, consumers will see simpler, more useful information about how to complete their enrollment. The page will also apply the agent or agency brand colors you choose on HealthSherpa.
Learn more about the Invalid Action resume link process here.
January 29, 2025
Track each step of consumer progress on Invalid Action error enrollments and verify Policy AOR
Now, both the agent and agency admin versions of the Invalid Action Tracking exports have a Policy AOR field when we detect client submission of an application via the resume link or a three-way call. Use the Policy AOR field to confirm that the AOR attached to a policy is what you expect.
Other notable fields include the progress of your consumer in the resume link enrollment process, FFM application ID, the Invalid Action Resume Link URL, a timestamp of the consumer's most recent activity, and more.
December 9, 2024
New exports: Invalid Action resume link and three-way call tracking
Agents and Agency Admins can use these exports to track where their consumer is in the Invalid Action Resume Link enrollment process.
Fields in the export
Column | Field | Description |
A | Agency Name | Name of the agency associated with an agent. |
B | Agent Name | First and last name of the agent tied to the consumer. |
C | First Name | First name of the consumer |
D | Last Name | Last name of the consumer |
E | Consumer email entered on the application | |
F | Phone | Consumer phone number entered in the application |
G | Federal Exchange ID | The Federal Exchange ID on an FFM Application is the Identifier returned by CMS to identify that particular Consumer’s application |
H | Invalid Action Resume Link | This is the Invalid Action Resume Link URL that can be shared with the consumer so they can submit their enrollment |
I | Invalid Action Error Occurred | This is a timestamp in UTC of when the Invalid Action Error occurred |
J | Latest Consumer Activity | This is a timestamp in UTC of the latest action a consumer has taken in the Invalid Action Resume Link process |
K | Consumer Progress | Shows the status of the consumer in the process.
L | Actions Recommended | What you can tell your consumer so they know what to do next in the Invalid Action Resume Link process.
M | 3 Way Call Completed | If a three-way call has been completed between the last week of November and today, and the EDE data has been synced recently, “Yes” will show up here. It's possible this column will show a call completed by another agent. |
Agent-level export location
You can find the Invalid Action Error Tracker in the Quick Exports sub-tab on the Exports page.
Agency admin-level export location
You can find the Invalid Action Error Tracker in the Exports sub-tab of the Agency page.
December 3, 2024
Invalid Action Error tracking column in the Agency Admin Enrollments Export
We’ve added a column to help agency admins track enrollments experiencing CMS's invalid action error. You can find this update in the Agency Admin Enrollment Export.
last_invalid_action - The timestamp (Pacific Time) of the last time this enrollment experienced the invalid action error. Only present if an error has occurred. Example: 9/27/24 07:45
November 25, 2024
"Exchange ID" for Georgia Access
With PY25 Georgia Access enrollments submitted through HealthSherpa's EDE pathway, you will now see "Exchange ID" on your client records in lieu of "FFM ID". This unique application identifier behaves and functions the same as before, with the delineation only made to enforce understanding that these applications are not with the Federally Facilitated Marketplace but are with the Georgia Access state-based exchange.
November 15, 2024
Text consumers consent and enrollment review
HealthSherpa has launched the ability to text consumers active consent documents! This exciting feature allows agents to send the initial consent and enrollment review forms to their consumers after they opt-into SMS.
To learn more about texting and active consent, click here.
November 6, 2024
Renewals task view
To make tracking and actively renewing your clients faster and easier, we’ve added a Renewals tab to your Client dashboard. This feature displays clients who are at risk of not renewing, losing their subsidy, or experiencing a significant crosswalk change.
November 4, 2024
We have launched the Enrollee Assistance Program (EAP)
The HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Program (EAP) is a new program that offers agents the opportunity to work with HealthSherpa to ensure their consumers have the best enrollment experience possible.
Participating in the Enrollee Assistance Program allows agents to give their consumers access to the full range of health plans available in a given market. It also allows them to serve consumers who want to purchase health plans where their Line of Authority may not allow them to sell. Learn more here.
October 28, 2024
Policy and other IDs added to Enrollments Exports
We’ve added identifiers to make data reconciliation a bit easier.
healthsherpa_id - The record identifier used by HealthSherpa to identify this specific application record. eg. 1234567
healthsherpa_policy_ids - A space-separated set of record identifiers used by HealthSherpa that represent the identifier of the policies. There may be 0, 1, or more than 1. eg. 123456 123456 124555
transaction_id - The transaction ID of the application.
These have been added to both Agent and Agency Admin Enrollment Exports.
October 24, 2024
Resume link is LIVE!
As of July 19, 2024, CMS is blocking agents and brokers from making changes to a consumer’s FFM enrollment unless the agent is already associated with the consumer’s enrollment. This applies to all agent-assisted enrollment applications across all enrollment platforms. When an agent submits an update to an enrollment that their NPN is not already associated with, that agent will see an "InvalidAction" error from CMS.
If you encounter this new error, you may assist the consumer in submitting the changes themselves or you can complete the consumer’s enrollment by calling the Marketplace Call Center. Learn more here.
October 23, 2024
Unique member identifiers in Exports
We've added a 10-digit member identifiers for each member of an application to exports. This allows you uniquely identify a member of an application across applications and plan years!
October 16, 2024
Help text for DACA recipients
Starting November 1, 2024, DACA recipients have eligible immigration status for the Marketplace. DACA recipients will be instructed which answers to choose in order to process that they are eligible for coverage.
When asked if they have eligible immigration status, DACA recipients should select "yes." Consumers will have access to the following help text to assist them with answering this question:
This is a time-limited help text change. The time-limited alert must reasonably alert a consumer who is a DACA recipient (or an A/B working on their behalf) that they should select ‘Yes' to indicate that they have eligible immigration status. This time-limited alert must display on both 2024 and 2025 applications for the duration of the 2025 Open Enrollment Period, from November 1, 2024, till January 15, 2025.
When asked qualifying SEP questions, DACA recipients should select ‘Gained eligible immigration status’. Consumers will have access to the following help text to assist them with answering:
This is a time-limited help text change. The time-limited alert must reasonably alert a consumer who is a DACA recipient (or an A/B working on their behalf) that they should select ‘Gained eligible immigration status’ to attest to the existing newly lawfully present SEP. This time-limited alert must display on both 2024 and 2025 applications starting November 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2024.
If question two is answered as ‘Gained eligible immigration status,’ DACA recipients should answer the following question that populates by entering "11/1/2024." Consumers will have access to the following help text to assist them with answering this question:
This is a time-limited help text change. The time-limited alert must ensure that a consumer who is a DACA recipient (or an A/B working on their behalf) enters in November 1, 2024 as the date that the consumer gained eligible immigration status. This alert should appear wherever this question is asked. This time-limited alert must display on both 2024 and 2025 applications starting November 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2024.
October 16, 2024
New Failure to File and Reconcile (FTR) Question
CMS has advised that, for plan years 2025 and beyond, they will remove financial help for consumers if they did not file tax returns and reconcile their past premium tax credit for two consecutive years. Note: "Financial help" refers to both advance premium tax credit dollars and cost-sharing reductions.
Consumers who did not file tax returns and reconcile their past premium tax credit for only one years will be notified of their status and advised to file and reconcile; their subsidy eligibility will not be removed. Learn more about CMS' Failure to File and Reconcile (FTR) operations here.
Consumers who are passively renewed will continue to be passively renewed in these instances, but they may no longer be subsidy eligible.
CMS has required a new question within the application asking whether the consumer has filed taxes in prior years if they received APTC. This question is optional to answer and only affects plan year 2025 applications and beyond.
October 10, 2024
Search Marketplace: Additional statuses returned
Searching the Marketplace now provides additional application statuses to help Agents more easily find and claim the most relevant application for their needs. These improvements include the addition of the application version number, the last modified date, and more detailed status information. Learn more here.
September 20, 2024
New Voter Registration Question
CMS has added a new question within the application asking if the consumer would like information on registering to vote. This question has no bearing on eligibility results and is optional to answer. When answered "yes," a web address will display where consumers can go to learn more about registering to vote while eligibility results are processing.
September 16, 2024
New Agency Admin Dashboards
Dashboards that allow agency admins to quickly view the number of applications that have payment or document issues. These can be found the agency tab on the insights sub tab.
September 16, 2024
Archive applications filter now available
Filter out archived applications when exporting Enrollments and AOR at-risk Clients. This is also available as a filter for the Clients list and At risk AOR task view. As a default, archived applications are excluded from these exports and views.
September 16, 2024
Compare Rx Deductibles
When comparing plans while shopping, you can now see within the comparison list, separate from overall deductible, a direct line for Rx deductibles.
September 13, 2024
Make the Home page your default
The Home page centralizes critical notifications, your performance reports, and important information. You now have the option to make this page your default landing page when you log in.
September 10, 2024
New CMS restrictions on exports
CMS will no longer allow EDE Entities to export Social Security Numbers, Dates of Birth, and Household Income. To comply with the updated CMS rules, we will now mask this data with asterisks. This includes lead, enrollment, and follow-up exports.
To read more about exports, click here.
August 6, 2024
New way to search your clients
Search your clients and leads by name, phone number, FFM ID, or the last four of their SSN.
July 12, 2024
CMS Required Change: FFM Integration Every 12 hours
Previously, CMS required agents to integrate their FFM Accounts with their EDE Partner accounts every 30 days. The intent of the integration is to keep on-exchange consumers' data as secure as possible and record what agents' FFM IDs are associated with that consumer to better track fraudulent behaviors. With recent security guidance changes at the federal level, CMS has chosen to alter that requirement to require integration every 12 hours instead of every 30 days.
Be sure to check out our FFM Integration FAQ and notice the new FFM Integration options throughout HealthSherpa which will help you know when you're due to re-integrate.
July 9th, 2024
Policy ID now available on the client details
The policy ID is now available on the client details page on the agent and consumer dashboard. This field represents the unique policy ID from the carrier, which HealthSherpa receives directly from CMS during syncs.
June 10th, 2024
Policy ID now available on the enrollment export
For agents and agency admins, the policy ID is now available on the enrollment export.
This field - issuer_assigned_policy_id - represents the unique policy ID from the carrier. HealthSherpa receives this directly from CMS upon a sync.
This valuable piece of data can help agents and agencies connect records across carriers and HealthSherpa.
For more details about exports, click here.
June 7, 2024
Detailed consent & review statuses on agency enrollment export
The on-exchange agency enrollment export now contains detailed initial consent and enrollment review statuses. This can help agency admins track consent and review statuses for enrollments within their agency.
For more details about the agency admin exports, click here.
May 16, 2024
Search by sub-agency
Agency admins can search by sub-agency to view a specific downline cohort on their agency overview tab.
This will help agencies with more than 10+ sub-agencies quickly find their downline.
May 3, 2024
Agency admin exports available in the "Exports" tab
HealthSherpha has consolidated the agency admin exports into one place for quick and easy access - the agency "Exports" tab.
May 3, 2024
View upline NPN overrides
If an agency has upline NPN overrides available to them, agency admins can now view them from their agency admin experience in the NPN override tab.
This allows agency admins with an upline agency to see the full list of available NPN overrides visible to their agents upon enrollment completion.
May 2, 2024
View aggregated downline agency insights
Agency admins now have the ability to view insights for their individual agency, or their entire agency downline. This can be done by selecting "downline aggregate" from the new "Select a view" dropdown on the agency insights tab.
April 18, 2024
Updated agency admin experience
To help agency admins clearly understand their agency and any downlines, HealthSherpa has updated the Agency page. Admins will now see tabs - Overview, Insights, and NPN override - to get a detailed sense of how their agency is performing and operating.
Be sure to check out the dedicated NPN override tab - though HealthSherpa hasn't changed any agency admin's configuration, now is a great time to cleanup your NPN overrides and ensure your list is correct for your agents and downline agents.
Check out the brief training video here!
April 8, 2024
Dedicated agent home page
HealthSherpa has launched a new agent home page! This page is dedicated to providing users with relevant notifications, news, reports, and helpful resources.
Be sure to check it out on a regular basis to ensure you're not missing any important information or insights about your account and the HealthSherpa product.
April 2, 2024
Doctor & drug persistence in shopping
To help agents and consumers easily find the right plan, doctor and drug selections previously entered in the left hand filter of the plan list will now persist across shopping experiences.
If an agent or consumer resumes shopping after completing an application, any previously entered doctor and drug selections will now persist in the left hand filter of the plan list. The same is true if an agent or consumer changes or renews a plan with an existing client.
April 2, 2024
Notes tab
Now, HealthSherpa agents can access a Notes tab from the Client details and Lead details pages. This tab has been pre-filled with notes previously written on application records.
Our hope is that agents can use this feature to capture notes about leads and clients over the course of many Special Enrollment Period and Open Enrollment Period interactions.
March 19, 2024
Household profile
HealthSherpa agent accounts now have access to a Household profile tab. It is accessible from the Client details page.
This tab pulls together application records on the HealthSherpa platform by email and phone number. Information that can be accessed on the household profile tab includes primary client contact information, a list of household members, and a list of applications associated with that client household.
To learn more, read our FAQ here.
March 12th, 2024
Improved delivery of large exports
To ensure large exports get delivered, HealthSherpa will be breaking them up and sending them in batches.
This will help our large agency partners in particular receive their data in a timely manner.
March 4th, 2024
Flagging high risk clients
HealthSherpa has released a high risk client alert to inform agents when a client might be working with multiple agents.
When searching for a consumer on the Marketplace, HealthSherpa's algorithm will determine whether the client is likely to have been submitted by another agent, and will display a banner informing you if a client is deemed high risk.
Click here to learn more about this feature.
February 23rd, 2024
New columns added to the clients export
HealthSherpa has added the following new columns to the clients export:
health_premium: the specific health premium amount
dental_premium: the specific dental premium amount
dental_policy_aor: the AOR on the dental policy (if present)
Learn more about our exports here.
February 20th, 2024
Alert indicators added to clients list tabs
To help agents flag new clients that have outstanding documents, an AOR at risk status, or EDE revoked, HealthSherpa has added alerts.
These alert indicators will give counts of new records in each tab since the agent last visited the list.
February 15th, 2024
New agency insights metrics
We've added additional agency metrics to the Insights page for agency admins.
These new metrics add the following information for your agency:
Total number of applications submitted
Total sum of gross premium
Total lives affected through enrollments
Percent of applications submitted using EDE
February 12th, 2024
Digital option for Enrollment Review form
HealthSherpa has released a new ability to request a digital copy of enrollment review with clients via email.
Consent regulations do require that application answers, plan information, and attestations be not only discussed with clients but also documented as to what was discussed. Agents will now be able to email a secure request for client signature on all things necessary to meet this requirement. Agents will be able to choose to send the email request and provide a secure code for the client to access their information. This document then populates in the agent dashboard for retention purposes.
February 5th, 2024
Documents due and EDE access revoked tabs
HealthSherpa agent accounts now have access to a Documents due tab and an EDE access revoked tab in the Clients page.
The Documents due tab lists the Client Name, number of outstanding documents for that client, status, when this information was last synced, as well as the earliest deadline for the documents that are due.
The EDE access revoked tab lists the names of clients for whom EDE access has been lost.
January 25th, 2024
At-risk AOR tab
HealthSherpa agent accounts now have access to an At-Risk AOR tab in the Clients page. The tab lists the Client Name, Federal Exchange ID, and the date this information was last synced (Last Synced At).
For more information about the At-Risk AOR tab, read this support article.
January 11th, 2024
Digital initial Consent email option
HealthSherpa has released a new ability to request a digital copy of initial consent with clients via email.
Consent regulations do require that consent be gathered before you begin an application; if you would like to supplement that with a digital form at our privacy statement, you may do so by selecting "Email digital consent form to my client". This will send a link to an email address you enter to collect consent and store it in your dashboard.
January 9th, 2024
Export History
Agents and agency admins now have access to their exports history in the exports tab.
This will allow agents to access and re-download previously generated exports. They can also see when the export was requested, its type, and its status.
If an agent does not have access to the Exports tab, check with your agency admin to see if exports have been inadvertently disabled for the agency.
January 9th, 2024
Payouts awaiting consent upload Export
HealthSherpa has released a new export for agency admins - Payouts awaiting consent upload.
This report contains referral enrollments that need consent before payout can be administered for the admin's agency, and any downline agencies. Agency admins can use this report to follow-up with their agents to ensure the proper consent documentation is obtained for the referral.
January 3rd, 2024
Agents can filter clients by age
To assist with finding clients that are aging into Medicare or aging out of parent's coverage, HealthSherpha has added a date filter to the client dashboard.
Using this filter will identify clients on an enrollment that are turning either 26 or 65 in the next 6 months.
Older changes