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FFM Account Integration Frequently Asked Questions
FFM Account Integration Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions about integrating your HealthSherpa for Agents account with your FFM account.

Written by Amber Dotson
Updated this week

What is an FFM account?

An agent's “FFM account” refers to the account an agent logs into when they visit the CMS Enterprise Portal at

Why do I need to integrate my FFM account?

CMS requires EDE partners like HealthSherpa to use additional FFM account authentication for all agents and brokers - it’s really just a security feature.

How do I integrate my FFM account?

To integrate your FFM account with your HealthSherpa for Agents account, follow the steps outlined here. CMS requires that you reintegrate your account every 30 days so be prepared to follow these steps regularly to renew your FFM account integration.

If you share computers with others in your office, do not select the ‘Keep me logged in’ option and be sure to log out of CMS Enterprise Portal prior to passing the computer along to another user.

What if I don’t know my username for the CMS Enterprise Portal?

Follow the steps CMS has outlined to recover your username here.

What if I don’t know my password for the CMS Enterprise Portal?

Follow the steps CMS has outlined to reset your password here.

I’m having issues with my CMS Enterprise Portal account. What do I do?

Visit the CMS Enterprise Portal FAQ page, the CMS Enterprise Portal User Guide, or reach out to the CMS Agent Broker Help Desk by calling 1 (855) 267-1515 or email

Can someone else complete or renew my FFM account integration for me?

No. Only you are permitted to complete or renew your FFM account integration. If another group or person has access to your credentials (i.e. internal teams, assistants, IT groups) they may unknowingly cause CMS to create additional account linkages you did not authorize which will disrupt your FFM account integration. CMS and HealthSherpa both prohibit the sharing of credentials for any account.

Can I use someone else’s FFM account credentials to integrate my HealthSherpa account?

No. Only the FFM account holder may ever have or use their CMS credentials. Shared accounts are not allowed and all accounts are blocked from being accessed by more than one user at a time. This is true of CMS and HealthSherpa.

I am not licensed. How do I view consumer information on HealthSherpa?

You must be a licensed agent to create a HealthSherpa for Agents account or access consumer information. If you’d like to learn more about getting started in the ACA space, learn more here.

I do not have an FFM account. How do I create one?

Follow this step by step guide to create a CMS Enterprise Portal account & learn more about FFM certification here

I am not licensed. How do I view consumer information on HealthSherpa?

You must be a licensed agent to create a HealthSherpa for Agents account or access consumer information. If you’d like to learn more about getting started in the ACA space, learn more here.

I have more than one HealthSherpa account. Is that still allowed?

Yes. Multiple HealthSherpa accounts for a single user are allowed, but there cannot be multiple people logging into the same account. Folks also cannot be logged into multiple accounts associated with the same FFM credentials simultaneously.

I am an agency administrator and have folks in my office that help me with the day to day operations. How do I get those individuals access to my HealthSherpa clients?

If the individuals are licensed agents, they may create a HealthSherpa for Agents account and link their account to your agency. Once the agents are linked to your downline, you may leverage agency features such as shared book and full book to make it easy for agents in your agency to compliantly access each other's clients and leads.

If the individuals are non-licensed, they can learn more about getting started in the ACA space here. You must be a licensed agent to create a HealthSherpa for Agents account or access consumer information.

I am an agency administrator and want to have someone in my office complete or renew the FFM account integrations for myself or my agents. How do I do this?

This is not permitted. Only the licensed agent is permitted to complete or renew their FFM account integration. If another group or person has access to any agent's credentials (i.e. internal teams, assistants, IT groups) and uses those to integrate an account, they may unknowingly cause CMS to create additional account linkages that were not authorized which will disrupt all associated FFM account integrations. CMS and HealthSherpa both prohibit the sharing of credentials for any account.

What happens if my FFM account credentials were shared?

You will need to reintegrate your FFM account with HealthSherpa to ensure your account doesn’t experience slow submissions or rate limits. To reintegrate your account:

  1. Ensure you are logged out of the CMS Enterprise portal

  2. Log in to your HealthSherpa for Agents account

  3. Navigate to your Settings page and select ‘Remove My FFM Account’

  4. Reintegrate your FFM account. For more information on how to reintegrate your FFM account with HealthSherpa, visit this help page.

Only the FFM account holder may ever have or use their CMS credentials. Be sure to communicate this messaging back to the individual who previously used your credentials so they are aware they must cease this behavior. You may also wish to reset your HealthSherpa & CMS Enterprise Portal passwords for increased security. If you share computers with others in your office, do not select the ‘Keep me logged in’ option and be sure to log out of CMS Enterprise Portal prior to passing the computer along to another user.

If you suspect fraud, reach out to the CMS Agent Broker Help Desk by calling 1 (855) 267-1515 or email

What happens if someone else integrated my FFM account on my behalf in the past?

You will need to reintegrate your FFM account with HealthSherpa to ensure your account doesn’t experience slow submissions or rate limits. To reintegrate your account:

  1. Ensure you are logged out of the CMS Enterprise portal

  2. Log in to your HealthSherpa for Agents account

  3. Navigate to your Settings page and select ‘Remove My FFM Account’

  4. Reintegrate your FFM account. For more information on how to reintegrate your FFM account with HealthSherpa, visit this help page.

Only the FFM account holder may ever have or use their CMS credentials. Be sure to communicate this messaging back to the individual who previously integrated your account so they are aware they must cease this behavior. You may also wish to reset your HealthSherpa & CMS Enterprise Portal passwords for increased security.

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