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Agent Product Updates: 2023 Q4
Ervin Ebalo avatar
Written by Ervin Ebalo
Updated over a year ago

December 29th, 2023

Agent and Agency EDE Permission Revoked Export

Agents and agency admins can now access the EDE permission revoked export on their Exports tab.

This export is intended to help agents and agencies proactively identify any current plan year enrollments within their book of business where they do not have EDE permission, and their agent of record (AOR) status may be at risk.

Learn more here.

December 28th, 2023

Agency AOR at-risk clients export

Agency admins now have access to an agency version of the AOR at-risk clients export.

This export is accessible on the "Exports" tab, and flags any client where the AOR status is at risk for the admin's agency and downline agencies.

Learn more here.

December 19th, 2023

Anonymous Quote

Agents working with an existing Lead can now choose to share a link that doesn't require the recipient to log in to view it. This can help avoid having to walk prospects through. the login and access process, streamlining conversations.

Note: this means that the consumer's activity will not be tracked or associated with the existing lead or application belonging to the Agent - new records will be associated with the Agent once the consumer takes an action such as starting an application.

December 4th, 2023

Improved sorting - Clients List and Providers

The client name now sorts by both last name AND first name. This ensures that your clients can return alphabetically.

Try it out by clicking the "Client" header in the table!

December 4th, 2023

Providers now sorts by geographic closeness (zip code and state)

The Providers search list now shows you the Providers that are in the same Zip code and state before showing you those outside of the zip code and state.

November 22nd, 2023

Client List can now be filtered by Plan Year

Agents can now filter their Client List by Plan Year. No more having to chase down applications by effective date!

November 21st, 2023

AOR at-risk Clients Export

Agents can now pull an AOR at-risk clients export that identifies enrollments in the agent's book of business where their AOR status might be at risk.

Click here to learn more

November 17th, 2023

Book of business now displays total client count

Agents are now given the total client count of their book of business, beyond the previous 10,000 limit.

November 14th, 2023

Expanding the ways Agents search book of business

Agents can now search for clients and leads in their book of business using a FFM App ID or the last 4 SSN digits of any person on the enrollment.

October 31st, 2023

Agents can now see the AOR & Assistor "Other Party"

For almost all use cases, HealthSherpa now shows the agent "Other Party" information for the assistor and agent of record.

Agents will now see the first name, last initial, and NPN of the other party.

October 27th, 2023

Client details button consolidation

To reduce agent confusion, we've cleaned up our view/edit application buttons. Agents can now click the "Edit application" button in the header or the "View or edit application" button on the application card to take action.

October 16th, 2023

Agents can give HealthSherpa feedback 24/7

HealthSherpa has added a permanent "Feedback" button so agents can provide feedback whenever they choose. The HealthSherpa team reads these daily for ways to improve the product.

October 4th, 2023

Agents can view plan history

On a client details page, agents can now view the plan history.

To access, agents can scroll to the plans section and click the "View Plan History" button. This will open a table with all plans (ie, policies) associated with the application.

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