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How do I leave an agency?
Ricky Phipps avatar
Written by Ricky Phipps
Updated over a week ago

As an agent, you have two options when leaving an agency:

  1. If you'd like to keep all the same client applications and information from your current HealthSherpa for Agents account, HealthSherpa will need approval from your current agency’s administrator to release your account.

    Please ask the administrator at your current agency to email Agent Support directly granting permission for the release. This is for security purposes. If you do not know who to reach out to at your current agency or are unable to reach your current agency administrator, please reach out Agent Support for assistance.

  2. If you are not seeking to keep all the same client applications and information from your current HealthSherpa for Agents account, you may create a new HealthSherpa for Agents account using an alternative email address.

Agency administrators wanting to release or terminate a downline account should reach out to Agent Support for assistance. Releasing an account allows the account holder to keep the associated book of business. Terminating an account provides an opportunity for the agency to keep the associated book of business.



Contact Agent Support at or (888) 684-1373.

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