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The HealthSherpa Export Reports
The HealthSherpa Export Reports

Export additional detail about your book of business

Written by Amber Dotson
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The HealthSherpa export reports are .csv files which contain various pieces of information depending on the export report you choose to generate. Exports are available at the agent and agency level:

We strongly recommend that all Agencies and Agents set up 2-factor authentication (2FA) for their HealthSherpa for Agents accounts to keep their book’s data as secure as possible. Click here for instructions on how to enable 2FA and give your account an added layer of security.

Agent Exports

You are able to export various pieces of information from your HealthSherpa for Agents account. For a description of what specific columns means, please refer to the Export Legend for AGENT Users.

Once exports have been generated, you'll be sent an email with a link to download the .csv export file.

If you are part of an agency and you do not see any Export functionality, your agency administrator has disabled this functionality. Work with your agency administrator to answer any questions.

Clients export

The Clients export pulls data on folks listed in your clients page and includes plan information, application details, and much more. Agents commonly export their books to update their own tracking systems or their CRM. Other reasons include:

  • Helping to effectuate policies

  • Targeting outreach to a particular group of clients

  • Doing custom reporting for their business

To generate the Clients export, go to the Clients page and select the Exports button.

You'll then see this pop-up:​

From the Clients export section, select the date range you'd like to export from and select the Export clients button.

  • The date range: the enrollments date range refers to the last time an application was submitted, including Report Changes submissions

  • Include unsubmitted search & claim applications: select this box if you want to include applications in your export that have merely been searched and claimed into your clients list. These applications have not actually been submitted by you on HealthSherpa.

  • Large exports of 1000s of clients can take a bit for the email to arrive

  • Filters used on your Clients dashboard will apply to the export when generated

DMI follow-ups

HealthSherpa has an export that reports DMI statuses for your clients. This feature should be especially helpful when working on DMI resolution. This report will pull DMIs with a due date from the past two months to anytime in the future.

To generate the DMI follow-ups export, go to the Clients page and select the Exports button. From the DMI follow-ups export section, select Export DMIs.

Lead export

Agents can export additional columns about their leads too.

The Leads Export is available from the Leads page, on the top right side of the Leads Table. Select the export button to initiate the export process then done within the pop up window.

Filters used on your Leads dashboard will apply to the export when generated.

AOR at-risk clients

HealthSherpa offers agents an AOR at-risk clients export to help identify clients where the agent of record (AOR) status might be at risk. Learn more about this report here.

The AOR at-risk export is accessible from the Exports page.

From the AOR at-risk clients section, select Generate to initiate the export process.

EDE permission revoked clients

HealthSherpa offers agents an EDE permission revoked export to help identify clients where EDE permission has been revoked. Learn more here.

The EDE permission revoked export is accessible from the Exports page.

From the EDE permission revoked clients section, select Generate to initiate the export process.

Invalid Action error tracker

HealthSherpa provides a report to help agents track the progress of consumers who are using the resume link to submit enrollments after CMS’s Invalid Action error has occurred.

From the Invalid Action error tracker section, select Generate to initiate the export process. This report includes consumer information, FFM application ID, the Invalid Action Resume Link URL, a timestamp of the consumer's most recent activity, and more. Notable fields on this report include:

  • Consumer Progress: Shows the status of the consumer in the process:

    • Resume link not clicked

    • Personal information match needed

    • Identity verification needed

    • Account creation needed

    • Application submission by consumer needed

    • Complete: Application submitted by consumer

  • Actions Recommended: What you can tell your consumer so they know what to do next in the Invalid Action Resume Link process:

    • Click the resume link

    • Guide the consumer to enter the same information you entered on their application i.e. first name, last name, date of birth, phone number

    • Guide the consumer to answer Experian questions correctly

    • Guide the consumer to create an account to continue to their application

    • Guide the consumer to submit their own application

    • Modifications can only be made to the application after policy effective date

  • 3 Way Call Completed: If a three-way call has been completed between the last week of November and today, and the EDE data has been synced recently, “Yes” will show up here

Agency Exports

Agency Administrators have access to Agent Exports within their HealthSherpa for Agents account as well as unique exports that pull data at the agency level. For a description of what every column means, please refer to the export legend Export Legend for ADMIN Users.

To access exports at the agency level, go to the Agency page and select the Exports tab.

Once exports have been generated, you'll be sent an email with a link to download the .csv export file.

Enrollments export

The enrollments export includes plan information, application details, and much more. Agencies commonly export their books to update their own tracking systems or their CRM. Other reasons include:

  • Helping to effectuate policies

  • Targeting outreach to a particular group of clients

  • Doing custom reporting for their business

The enrollment export includes clients from every direct downline agent and subagency linked to your agency.

To generate the Enrollments export, go to the Agency page and select the Exports tab. From the Enrollments section, select the date range you'd like to export from and select the Export Clients button.

  • The date range: the enrollments date range refers to the last time an application was submitted, including Report Changes submissions

  • Include archived applications: select this box if you want to include applications in your export that your downline agents have archived

  • Include unsubmitted applications: select this box if you want to include applications in your export that have merely been searched and claimed by your downline agents. These applications have not actually been submitted by your downline agents.

  • Large exports of 1000s of clients can take a bit for the email to arrive

Agent roster export

Agency admins are also able to export a roster of their downline agents. This makes it easier to:

  • Email their downline agents who have linked HealthSherpa for Agents accounts

  • Check whether their downline agents’ settings are accurate

  • Confirm their downline agents have enabled EDE

  • Assess enrollment volume at the downline agent-level

To generate the agent roster export, go to the Agency page and select the Exports tab. From the Agent roster section, select the Generate button to initiate the export process.

DMI follow-ups

HealthSherpa has an export that reports Agency-level DMI statuses. This feature should be especially helpful for Agencies who have internal teams dedicated to DMI resolution.

This new Agency Admin report will pull DMIs with a due date from the past two months to anytime in the future. For all DMIs within that time frame, the export includes the following information:

  • Agent name

  • Client FFM app id

  • DMI type

  • DMI status

  • DMI Due date

  • URL Link to Client Details Page

All Agency Admins can automatically receive this export in a weekly email if they are opted into receiving them from the Settings page.

To generate the DMI follow-ups export, go to the Agency page and select the Exports tab. From the DMI follow-ups section, select the Generate button to initiate the export process.

AOR at-risk clients

HealthSherpa offers agencies an AOR at-risk clients export to help identify clients where the agent of record (AOR) status might be at risk. Learn more here.

This report pulls all AOR at-risk clients for the admin's agency, and any downline agency. The export may include enrollments that have transferred to another agent in your agency. If you'd like to avoid AOR swaps within your agency while servicing clients, consider setting up a shared or full book model with your agency admin.

To generate the AOR at-risk export, go to the Agency page and select the Exports tab. From the AOR at-risk clients section, select the Generate button to initiate the export process.

EDE permission revoked clients

HealthSherpa offers agencies an EDE permission revoked export to help identify clients where EDE permission has been revoked. Learn more here.

This report pulls all EDE permission revoked clients for the admin's agency, and any downline agency.

To generate the EDE permission revoked export, go to the Agency page and select the Exports tab. From the EDE permission revoked clients section, select the Generate button to initiate the export process.

Payouts awaiting consent upload

HealthSherpa requires consent uploads on all referral submissions made on or after November 15, 2023. We cannot process referral bonus payments on submissions without a document uploaded that authorizes consent to work with a consumer.

Agents can go to the Bonuses page in HealthSherpa to see which apps require this. Under Referrals scroll down to see a list of all of your submitted referrals. Any referrals marked as Awaiting Consent Upload or Pending agent review require a consent upload before payment can be released.

Agency Administrators may also use the Payouts awaiting consent upload export. This report contains referral enrollments at the agency level that need consent before payout can be administered. Agency admins can use this report to follow-up with their agents to ensure the proper consent documentation is submitted.

To generate the payouts awaiting consent upload export, go to the Agency page and select the Exports tab. From the payouts awaiting consent upload section, select the Generate button to initiate the export process.

Invalid Action error tracker

HealthSherpa provides a report to help agency administrators track the progress of consumers working with their downline agents who are using the resume link to submit enrollments after CMS’s Invalid Action error has occurred.

Restricting Exports

To restrict export capabilities for direct downline agents, go to the Agency page and select the Exports tab. From the Allow exports for my agents section, adjust the toggle to allow exports or prevent exports for your direct downline agents.

Preventing exports for your direct downline agents does not impact Administrators within your direct downline. Administrators within your direct downline will still have access to exports when prevent exports is selected.

Agency JMA payouts reporting

There are several bonuses available to agents within their HealthSherpa for Agents account. One of the bonuses available is the HealthSherpa Enrollee Assistance Shared-Service Model.

By default, HealthSherpa pays bonus dollars earned to the individual agents who earn them. Alternatively, you may choose to participate in our HealthSherpa Agency JMA, which pays these dollars out at the agency level instead of to the agents directly. This lets you disperse payouts according to your agent agreements.

Agencies on an Agency JMA have access to a unique tab - the Enrollee Assistance Program tab - within their Agency page which allows them to generate reports of EAP compensation dollars received. Agency admins can pull an Agency JMA payouts report by visiting their Agency page and selecting the Enrollee Assistance Program tab. Here, Agency admins can enter their desired payout date range to generate a report of EAP bonus dollars paid to their agency during the specified timeframe.

If you’d like bonus dollars paid at the Agency level instead of the individual agent level, reach out to Agent Support for more information about participating in an Agency JMA.

Exports history

Agents and agency admins now have access to their exports history in the exports tab.

This will allow agents to access and re-download previously generated exports. Agents can also see when the export was requested, the export type, and the export status.

If you are part of an agency and you do not see any Export functionality, your agency administrator has disabled this functionality. Work back with your agency administrator with any questions.

If you requested an export but have not received the .csv in your inbox, we recommend checking the Exports History to see if it is still processing, failed, or succeeded. If still processing, please wait; if failed, please try again or contact support; if successful, check your email settings to ensure you’re receiving emails from HealthSherpa.


Why don't I see an Export button or an Export page?

If you are part of an agency and you do not see any Export functionality, your agency administrator has disabled this functionality. Work back with your agency administrator with any questions.

Why can't I access my Export?

After you export, you'll get an email with a link to download your export. If your Export includes a large amount of clients, it may take a while for the email to arrive. If you have issues accessing the link located in your email, open the link in an incognito tab, log back in, and the export will load for you.

You may also reference your exports history to download the export from your HealthSherpa for Agents dashboard.

If you have unsubscribed from HealthSherpa emails in the past, please reach out to Agent Support to resubscribe.

Does the Export ever change?

Yes, the format or columns of the export report may change. Be sure to leverage the export legends to optimize export usage.

How long is the export link active?

Export URLs expire approximately one hour after the export email is generated.

Why are some fields showing asterisks?

Due to updated CMS restrictions, CMS no longer allows EDE entities to export Social Security Numbers, Dates of Birth, and Household Income. To comply with the updated CMS rules, we will now mask this data with asterisks. This includes lead, enrollment, and follow-up exports.

Why is the the "3 Way Call Completed" field in the Invalid Action error tracker export not displaying accurate information?

Agents who do a 3-way call with the Marketplace may not see updated information in this column if:

  • The details of that application have not been synced in HealthSherpa

  • The update has not appeared in information HealthSherpa received from CMS

  • The call happened before the last week of November, 2024

HealthSherpa pulls information from CMS about 3-way call submission on a per application basis. If you have not do a three-way call with a consumer, and you see a ‘yes’ in this column, the call may have been completed by another agent.

Additional Resources

If you are having any technical issues using HealthSherpa, please contact our Agent Support team at (888) 684-1373, at, or via chat from within your account.

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