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Every client that's enrolled through HealthSherpa receives an invitation to create their own dashboard. Client’s are also able to create their consumer dashboard when using an agent’s Resume Link.
For agents, the Consumer Dashboard is a win-win post-enrollment—clients can self-serve and anything they do is synced to your dashboard and vice versa. From the Consumer Dashboard, client’s can:
View their plan details & application history
Report changes on their application
Upload follow-up documents
Make binder payments
View notices from the Marketplace
And more!
To customize the logo and contact information displayed during your client’s Consumer Dashboard experience, visit your Marketing tab.
Creating a Consumer Dashboard after enrollment
Once an application is submitted, your client will receive an email with the subject line: Access your health insurance account. This email will contain your contact information, not HealthSherpa’s.
When your client clicks the “Log into my account” button, they will be prompted to create a HealthSherpa account or log into their existing HealthSherpa account.
Per CMS regulations, if they haven’t already done so, Consumers will need to verify their identity to access their account. First, the consumer will need to enter their personal information. The information provided by the consumer is validated against the primary contact’s information on the existing application.
The Primary contact on a consumer's subsidy application is typically the primary tax-filer for the household or spouse of the primary tax-filer (if married and filing jointly). If the Primary contact is applying for coverage, the Primary contact is also the Primary applicant.
Note: Child-only applications are possible within HealthSherpa for Agents, but children cannot be listed as the primary contact on an application. The primary contact listed on a child-only application is typically the person claiming the child within their tax household or the child’s guardian.
Once the consumer has successfully verified their personal information, questions will populate based on the consumer’s personal credit history through CMS' partner, Experian. Note: Exact questions may vary as these questions are pulled from the primary contact’s personal information.
Upon successful ID proofing, the customer will be given the option to create an account.
The primary contact will have ongoing access to the account they create. Once identity proofing takes place within a consumer's account, the consumer will not be prompted to identity proof their account again unless they need to reset their password.
After successful account creation, the Primary contact will be granted access to their application.
Navigating the Consumer Dashboard
Consumers may sign back into their Consumer Dashboard at any time by visiting and entering their login information.
When the consumer logs into their Consumer Dashboard, they will land on their Coverage page. The Coverage page consists of a ‘Follow-ups,’ ‘Plans,’ & ‘Enrollment history’ section.
The Follow-ups section allows consumers to upload documents that may be required to satisfy any Data Matching Issues (DMIs).
Selecting the “Verify”/"View" button will take the consumer to a landing page where they can upload documents to verify the follow-up item they’ve chosen. The consumer is also able to view a full list of acceptable documents to choose from.
If a consumer sees a "Pay" button within their Follow-ups section, they may select “Pay” to be linked over to the carrier payment page where they can make their binder payment.
From the ‘Plans’ section, Consumers may view their plan details, their plans summary of benefits, identify their FFM application ID, and much more.
Consumers can report changes to their application and select an alternative plan if eligible by clicking the "Change plan"/ “View or edit application” button.
Enrollment history
The ‘Enrollment history’ section displays documentation detailing the consumers enrollment eligibility, plan name, effective date, subsidy amount, net premium, FFM ID, and the plan selection date.
Consumers can report changes to their application and select an alternative plan if eligible by clicking the "Update” button.
The Notices page within a Consumer’s Dashboard allows consumers to view any notices generated from the Marketplace. Types of notices include:
Eligibility Determination Results
1095A forms
Insufficient Documentation notification
Reminders when follow-ups may be required
Frequently asked questions
What if my consumer cannot complete the new verification steps?
If verification or ID-proofing is not successful, call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-855-788-6275 with the consumer on the line for a 3-way call and ask a representative to update the consumer’s coverage.
Why doesn't my consumer see any identity proofing questions?
Experian questions may not populate for all consumers. This is often because the primary contact may not have a credit history or perhaps the primary contact has frozen their credit.
If verification or ID-proofing is not successful, call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-855-788-6275 with the consumer on the line for a 3-way call and ask a representative to update the consumer’s coverage.
Is the primary contact the only person able to access the Consumer Dashboard?
Yes. Only the primary contact may access an existing Consumer Dashboard because the dashboard is tied to their existing application.
Is the primary contact the same as the primary applicant?
Sometimes. The Primary contact on a consumer's subsidy application is typically the primary tax-filer for the household or spouse of the primary tax-filer (if married and filing jointly). If the Primary contact is applying for coverage, the Primary contact is also the Primary applicant.
The primary contact listed on a child-only application is typically the person claiming the child within their tax household or the child’s guardian. This is because children cannot be listed as the primary contact on an application.
Can a primary contact access their Consumer Dashboard at any time?
Yes. The primary contact will have ongoing access to the account they create. Consumers may sign back into their Consumer Dashboard at any time by visiting and entering their login information or by re-opening their Resume Link.
Does my consumer need to complete identity verification each time they log into their Consumer Dashboard?
No. Once identity proofing takes place within a consumer's account, the consumer will not be prompted to identity proof their account again unless they need to reset their password.
Additional Resources
If you are having any technical issues using HealthSherpa, please contact our Agent Support team at (888) 684-1373, at, or via chat from within your account.