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Archiving Clients or Leads

How to archive and unarchive either a single or multiple contacts in bulk. Also, how to see archived contacts.

Carmen Lockhart avatar
Written by Carmen Lockhart
Updated over a week ago

This article will cover how agents can archive Clients and Leads. This feature is useful if an agent is no longer working with an individual because it allows the agent to filter their book of business in HealthSherpa and only see active Clients and Leads.

In this article, we will cover the following:

Note: this article applies to both the tables in the ‘Clients’ and ‘Leads’ tabs of the HealthSherpa for Agents account.

How to archive contacts in bulk

To begin, go to either the Clients or Leads table. Select the check box next to at least 1 contact you wish to archive, and an ‘Archive’ button will appear as shown below.

After you click ‘Archive’, a popup will appear asking for confirmation that the selected contacts should be archived.

How to archive a single contact

The directions above for bulk archiving can be used to archive a single contact. In addition, a contact can also be archived through the drop down in the ‘Actions’ column as shown below.

How to see archived clients

To see archived contacts, toggle the ‘Archived’ filter at the top of either the ‘Clients’ or ‘Leads’ tab.

How to unarchive contacts

In some circumstances, archived contacts will need to get brought back, or unarchived. To do this, follow the same steps for bulk archiving, except select ‘Unarchive’ instead of ‘Archive’.

If unarchiving one contact, you can use the drop down in the ‘Actions’ column as well.

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